Acer saccharum, Winged Seed, Graphite by Frank Merrem
What a perfect image to start the year with - a winged seed, ready to take flight, find a home, grow and prosper. The new year is a great nudger. Just the phrase"the New Year" makes us think of resolutions, changes, fresh starts, new directions, travel, opportunities, clean slates, new's pretty much a gateway phrase to endless exploration of possibilities. RMSBA board members have listened to members' wishes to get more from our organization, and this post presents the results of planning ahead for 2012. Consider this our nudge to help you leap into 2012, reserving time in your year to nurture your art.
There are many new aspects of being an RMSBA member that benefit you on a regular basis. Julie Ann Terry and her committee have put together a terrific plan for monthly meetings based on education, the business of art, camaraderie, critique, and methods to pump up your creativity. The full schedule is listed under the new gadget RMSBA Meeting Schedule on the right. You'll see there are activities every month, generally on the last Sunday of the month. We're listing the whole plan here, in this post, and then you can access it easily at right whenever you need it. It will be updated with locations and other details as they become available. Meetings held in private homes will have locations sent to you before the event by email, to protect member privacy.
Bromeliad, watercolor, Cynthia Rothbard
2012 Meeting Schedule
January 29:
How To Use the RMSBA Blog and ASBA Website for Your Art – presented by Libby Kyer, Golden
Library, 1019 10th Street Golden, CO, PH: 303.235.52751, -4 PM
February 26:
Members’ Critiques, location Dorothy DePaulo's home, 1 PM, bring snacks to
share, beverages provided
March 25:
RARE II Kickoff Meeting; Pick Your Plant and Get a Jumpstart on the Process,
share questions and solutions with other members, location TBA, 1 PM
April 29:
What’s New in the World of Art Framing – Nancy Martin, Golden Frames and Gifts,
2221 Ford St. * Golden, Colorado, PH: 303.278.2682, 1-4 PM
May 27:
Members’ Critiques, Julie Ann Terry’s home, 1 PM, bring snacks to share,
beverages provided
June 24:
“Zentangle”- The art of creative doodling – Mary Jo Ramsdale and Dorothy
DePaulo, location TBA, 1-4 PM
July 29:
Members’ Critiques, Libby Kyer’s home, 1 PM, bring snacks to share, beverages
August 26:
Members’ Critiques, Mary Jo Ramsdale's home, 1 PM, bring snacks to share, beverages
September 30
– Viewing the 2012 National Watercolor Media Exhibit – FoothillsArt Center,
809 15th Street Golden, CO, PH: 303.279.3922, 1-4 PM
October 28:
RARE II Review, Review and Assist Each Other with Exhibit Specimens, location TBA
November 17:
Trip to art materials vendor. Organizer: Susie Olson. A great pre-holiday tour
December 9:
2012 Annual Holiday Meeting, at Dorothy DePaulo’s home, 1 PM
William Morris tile designA Unique Travel Opportunity
Is a yen to travel in your thoughts for this new year? For travel with a fabulous botanical art focus, try botanical travel: The Arts and Archives Tour, March 22 - April 3, 2012. Join Mervi Hjelmroos-Koski, Manager of
Botanical Art and Illustration Programs at Denver Botanic Gardens, for a unique
exploration of art archives in Europe. This
12-day tour includes four nights in London, where you'll discover the hidden jewels of Kew
Gardens’ Library, Art
& Archives and enjoy Dr. Shirley Sherwood’s company while exploring the
current exhibits in the only gallery solely devoted to botanical art. Learn
about published and unpublished art treasures in the Natural History
Museum and British
Library and enjoy a tour of the British Library’s Conservation Studios. Presentation of
the extensive three year conservation research project of the outstanding
Reeves Collection in addition to William Morris Red House and the newly
re-opened De Morgan Centre are in the program. Take a one day break from
collections to visit the well-known artist and teacher, Ann Swan at her studio
in Wiltshire, with a stop at Lacock Abbey and neolithic monuments at Avebury.

Treasures at Kew Gardens
Next, travel by high-speed rail to Frankfurt
(via Brussels) to explore Maria Sibylla Merian’s works from the 17th century and spend time at the University of Tübingen with Leonhart
Fuchs’ collection. Learn about the scientific side of the great poet Goethe and
visit the Gutenberg
Explore Germany’s oldest town Trier,
and on the way to Nürnberg, visit the Heidelberg Castle
to learn about pharmaceutical history in this remarkable museum, which displays
one of the finest collections of paintings, manuscripts and related objects
from the past 2000 years.
The tour comes to an end in Bavaria, where you can sample special wines
and famous gingerbread while discovering the secrets of Faber-Castell’s 250-year history on
the tour of the company’s Jugend castle. Before leaving Germany, visit the Imperial Castle of of Nürnberg and the Germanic National
Museum, which boasts
Albrecht Dürer collections and the unique Codex aureus, produced in the 10th century.
Please contact Sheridan Shamano at or 303.860.6045 to reserve your spot.
This is the second botanical art tour that Mervi has put together. Several RMSBA members took last year's trek to England and Spain, and they are still excited about it! Give it some thought. It might be a perfect match for you and your travel yen.
Calls for Entries
Two new calls have been added, both for exhibitions at Denver Botanic Gardens. Links are provided in the calls themselves for further information.
Illustrations Needed
Panjabi has asked to send you this list of plants that they would like to have
illustrated by March/April for the Rare On-Line Plant Field Guide. If you are
interested please contact Susan directly at the address below or at her email:>
has source materials, photos, etc. of these plants you can use and is interested
in either color or black and white illustrations.
You and Your Blog
Just a brief reminder that this blog is all about you, and if you have questions or concerns or contributions please contact us at