Join us in Boulder, where the mountains meet the plains!
Come and enjoy a one of a kind experience and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow illustrators in a beautiful setting. The Conference is filled with presentations, workshops and field trips designed to inspire. Some concentrate on technique, with experts in drawing, painting, scratchboard, block printing, Photoshop, Illustrator, and digital devices sharing their expertise. Others focus on the gritty details of making a living in this challenging, but exciting career. With so many choices, participants can customize their learning experience under the inspirational setting of Boulder’s Flatirons and modern CU campus.
Register before May 30th and SAVE $50 on Full Registration!
Review the offerings on the conference website:
- Live Animal Drawing
- Building Backgrounds for Animal Subjects
- Sculpting Insects in Polymer and Wire
- Beginning Photoshop
- Make Your Own Sketchbook, Then Use It!
- Sketch A Storybook
- Discovering Scratchboard Techniques
- Colored Pencil Possibilities
- Painting Small Animals
- Osteology Sketching
- From Sketch to Print
- Intermediate Photoshop
- Modeling in 3DS Max
- Adobe Illustrator for Science Illust: Symbols
- Sculpting Fossils, 2-day workshop
- Watercolor, 2-day workshop
- Social Media for Artists
- Personal productivity with your iPad
- Contract and Copyright
- Dinosaur Ridge
- Eldorado/Fowler Hike
- CU Extravaganza
- Wild Animal Sanctuary
- NOAA Tour
- Celestial/Dushanbe Teahouse
- Avery Brew Pub
- Denver Botanic Gardens/Natural History Museum
- Rocky Mountain National Park, 2-day trip
- Birth of the Beehive's Mesoamerica Resiste Illustration
- Create Your Own Jobs and Get Paid to Travel
- Using illustration to Teach 'Critical Looking' in a Zoology Lab
- Making Photos and Art Press Ready
- Hand-Painted Linoleum Block Prints
- (Not Always) Funny Pages: Science Through Sequential Art
- Marvelous Mucus: Learning about the Little-Known World of Land Snails
- Tactile Graphics: Images for the Blind
- Gyotaku -What your Third Grade Art teacher didn't tell you
- Japan and its Fish Markets - a look at the fish art and culture of Japan
- Saving a Tropical Jewel in the Heart of Vancouver
- Nature Based Sculpture
- iPad Tips and Tricks
- How to Work Faster Photoshop: Shortcuts and File Setups
- Ready, Set, Sell! Proactive Marketing Strategies
- Teaching Illustration as a Biology Course
- The case of the Missing Beak: Kati the Kea
- Saving the Kakapo from extinction--Expedition to New Zealand
- Creating backgrounds combining traditional and digital techniques
- Art Creation From the Client's Point of View
- Lighting and Textures: Optimizing Your Renders
- Botanical Illustration–Then and Now
- Illustrating Nature: Stylized Realism for Children’s Books
- An Exploration in Public Health Communication
- More to come....