Mission Statement
The Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists is an open and diverse group of artists, collectors and admirers who share a love for the practice and perpetuation of botanical art and illustration with a fond focus on plants in the Rocky Mountain Region.
We encourage and participate in educational outreach, juried and non-juried exhibits, lectures, workshops and regular chapter meetings. The RMSBA is proud to be the very first chapter affiliation of the international organization, the American Society of Botanical Artists.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Good Solstice to You
Don’t forget the Holiday Party. Sunday, December 27, 1-4 pm. Hosted by Wendy Peterson, 58 Golden Eagle Rd, Greenwood
Village, CO. Bring a light snack to share. Bring artwork to show, too.
Board/Executive Committee Meeting January 11, 11-2, Hooked on Colfax, 3213 E
Colfax Av, Denver.
Flora of the National Parks Exhibit Dates: February 18 - October 2, 2016
United States Botanical Gardens Conservatory West Gallery
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, this exhibit
showcases plant species and communities of the more than 400 national parks.
From giant redwoods and aspen forests to imperiled ornamental shrubs and water lilies, the parks represent the
diversity of North American flora. Both illustrations and photographs guide your
tour of the beauty and importance of the American flora. This exhibit used digital images to make prints
for the exhibit and does not incorporate original artwork.
Martin, Susan Rubin, and Connie Sayas are representing RMSBA in this national show. If other
members are in the exhibit, send me the images to post here, subject line “Please post NBG show
![]() |
Susan Rubin Rosa woodsii |
![]() |
Vanessa Martin Astragalus humillimus |
Their exquisite pieces make your editor regret not submitting Phoradendron flavescens “American mistletoe” and Arbutus texana “Texas madrone” from the Guadalupe Mountains NP, even though they were tiny miniatures. Those drawings provided fodder for two years’ holiday cards, anyway.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Our real National Bird
May your day be pleasant and your companions genial.
are being accepted now at the on-line renewal opportunity, or you can download
a .pdf of the form and mail it in. Don’t forget to check the box (and add the
$10) for your RMSBA Chapter affiliation!
Castle and Ranch provided a lovely Opening and venue for the Wicked exhibit, which will run through
the end of the month. About 110 people attended and the weather was
cooperative, so we had a grand time.
meeting rescheduled for December 8. If you have matters you want
the board to consider, please contact a board member. No meeting on November 29
for the general membership.
Party coming up on December 27 – clear your calendar!
for entries for Out of the Woods is
online at the ASBA website. Entries are due in 2017, so there’s time to plan,
to observe (and maybe even to travel!), and produce magnificence. Here’s a link
for some totally outrageous images of unexpected trees.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Snow on the Way
Wicked Saga! continues
exhibit viewing, October 24, was very well attended (more than 100 visitors!)
and we made some sales!
The Closing (October 31) was loads of fun. Some famous
artists attended: Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, and Rosslinn (Bob-Ross-in-Transition)
came, along with a few more familiar local artists.

Now we open at Cherokee Ranch & Castle on November 15,
Artists Reception 2-5. Alas, Briony Morrow-Cribbs will be unable to join us..
Please pre-register by close of business on Wednesday, November 11 (which is
Veterans Day – your Editor gets taken to Tea).
No general meeting in
November. Remember
the Holiday party in December – details forthcoming.
October meeting on at the Eloise May library - 1471 S. Parker Road,
Denver 80231. Well attended and informative. Input requested from members for
Board Meeting on November 17. Send your comments and proposals to a Board
Member for inclusion and consideration.
renewal reminder: ASBA will begin accepting 2016 membership dues
in mid-November. We strongly encourage you to renew your membership no later
than January 31st to ensure uninterrupted member benefits including your
spring issue of the journal. A reminder letter will be arriving along with the
Annual Appeal. You may renew online or by check.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Wow, have we been busy!
October meeting on Sunday, October
25, 1 – 3 pm, at the Eloise May library - 1471 S. Parker Road,
Denver 80231. Lots on info on the agenda, including a recap of the ABSA
meetings from those who attended. Please find it in your day to come to this
reminders will soon be coming your way. Start saving your quarters now. This is
your early warning kicking in…
Wicked exhibit
viewing, October 24, 11 am – 3 pm, ACAD Gallery, 1400 Dallas Street, Aurora,
CO. Come support your fellow artists and stir up some action. Several of us
occupied the gallery on Oct 17, and much music came in the doorway.
in Miami was attended by several of our members, who will recap the
details at the meeting on October 25 (see above in this Blog). Join us for
Vanessa Martin took several copies of the RARE II catalog and
sold out in an hour – lots of interest!
Dorothy DePaulo and Heidi Snyder reported on their Wild in the City book project – for which
sales also were brisk.
Morrow-Cribbs’ etching workshop provided food for thought
and finished artworks, too!
The Wicked Opening
on Saturday, October 10, at the ACAD Gallery was attended by happy, cheerful
people, many of whom we’d never seen before! A Resident Artist (well, his
studio and office are in that building, too) was overheard to say “This is the
best exhibit we’ve ever had in here. This is really going raise our profile.”
OK. Ours, too. (Fist bump.)
Friday, October 9, 2015
October is Here, Bringing New Art
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Making the news
Vanessa and Susan had an interview on KUSA, Channel 9. Here's the link for
Interview for Wicked. They're pushin' the show...
Reminder that the September meeting at the PCC is cancelled. See you October 25!
Interview for Wicked. They're pushin' the show...
Reminder that the September meeting at the PCC is cancelled. See you October 25!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Welcome to Fall
WICKED Exhibit at ACAD Gallery
Remember to use plexiglas or acrylic instead of glass when framing
your illustrations for this exhibit. Michael’s
informs us that acrylic is indeed expensive, but so much lighter and less
fragile than glass, and you need to get it now if you haven’t done so already.
Turn in your work at ACAD gallery on October 7.
Bin work will
be available for purchase from the night of the reception through the end of
the show. Gallery will be open to the
public for the opening reception October 10, October 17, October 24, and
for the closing reception October 31.
“Bin work” consists of unframed (usually matted, but that’s
optional) pieces of artwork, and may be prints or originals.
Eligibility is
limited to any artists participating in the exhibit, who must notify
Sharon Eaton or Patti Hearn before October 5 if planning to bring Bin
artist can submit up to ten unframed 2-D works. All artwork must
be botanically-themed, but may include other elements such as wildlife and
insects. Protect work in clear plastic covers.
On a typed inventory sheet, list title, media, and
price of each artwork along with your contact information. Submit it with your
bin work on October 7 when you drop off your Wicked illustration(s). Place a small label and price on the front
upper corner of the cover for each piece of artwork. Label the back of the work
with title, whether original or print, price, artist’s name, phone number and
email. Inventory sheet and label details must match.
A commission of 30% for sold work goes to the Aurora
Cultural Arts District (ACAD). RMSBA will handle the sales and issue payments
on sold work within 30 days after the end of the show. Applicable fees will be
You will be asked to volunteer at least once to staff the
Gallery housing the Bin Work, on October 17 or October 24, 11am – 3pm. We will
set up 2 hour shifts; minimum of two people per shift. If you have a
professional quality black canvas floor bin, please bring. We have several but can always use more.
for unsold Bin Work has yet to be determined; we anticipate Monday, November 2.
More details will be provided later.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Labor Day yard chores at your house?
September 8
Wicked participants’
works are going on the road! As a result of the changed relocation
requirements, we must ask that you use lightweight materials to glaze your
frames rather than glass.
Cherokee Ranch and Castle will host the
exhibit after the ACAD run ends on Halloween. Another venue wants our Wicked
exhibit to travel to Durango! We did not anticipate such interest, but of
course are thrilled for the opportunity. To keep our artwork safe and to
assist in transportation we need you to use plexiglas or acrylic instead of
glass when you frame your pieces. When you drop off your work, please have
it wrapped securely with your name on the wrapping, which we will keep and use
to re-package for transporting to the next venue.
If you have any questions or concerns please
contact Sharon Eaton, Patti Hearn or Vanessa Martin.
Upcoming meetings: The
meeting for September is cancelled, as we expect to be busy setting up Wicked
early in October. The meeting for October 25 is scheduled for the Eloise May
library - 1471 S. Parker Road, Denver 80231.
BBBQ: The Annual Backyard Bar-Be-Que
on August 30 saw members gather and enjoy one another’s company and some good
Open Studio 9am – 1 pm, Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at Valkarie Gallery
& Studio was well attended. We went to a nice lunch after the workshop.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
At last: a Little Cooler
Art in the Garden August 22nd, 9 am – 5 pm – Tagawa
Garden Center
the Day! Come support your fellow artists at the RMSBA artist show and sale.
Bring your checkbook… Leave your iToys at home, because we have music and the
Rocky Mountain Highland Dancers and vast entertainment. The event closes at
5:00 pm, at which time participating artists must dismount the displays and
retrieve all unsold items.
Backyard Bar-Be-Que on August 30
approaches quickly! Be sure to RSVP to martin.vanessa655@gmail.com or
(720) 870-1488 by tomorrow or Friday. Do
remember about the side dishes and the labor. Also, look again in that closet
and see what you can donate to the fundraiser.
Don't forget about how much fun we'll all have...
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Let the Harvest begin
August Open Studio
am – 1 pm, Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at Valkarie Gallery & Studio, 445 South
Saulsbury Street, Lakewood. Bring your projects, your sketch ideas, artistic
problems and solutions, new materials you are trying out, frustrations you need
to vent re:same, and so forth. If you’re a Wicked
participant, bring your portrait(s) and show us!
Reminder: Art in the Garden August 22nd, 9 am – 5 pm – Tagawa
Garden Center
This year’s
Tagawa Gardens event has a RMSBA artist show and sale, so get out those
transparent display bags (and price stickers) and start stuffing! Note that
management has waived the 10% fee on sales, but will collect the taxes. Don’t
forget the workshops: Shading and Watercoloring for Kids, and Doodle Art for
Tweens & Teens, mentored by Sharon Garrett and Patti Hearn. Other local
artists also are conducting workshops, so be sure to check them out as we enjoy
the music and the Rocky Mountain Highland Dancers. As always, we can talk up
our organization and how we showcase our artists.
About the
art work: we can’t hang framed pieces, but can sell prints, note cards and other
botanically-themed articles. If you’re coming to the festivities, do let us
know: send an email to Patti Hearn at pattihearn@hotmail.com by August 17; the sooner the better to
make this event a success for us. More details will be provided to
Reminder: August Meeting is the Party!

Bring side
dishes to go with the provided entrees. Come early to help set up the tent and
tables, and get ready for the party. Contact Vanessa Martin with your
intentions and totally sincere offers of help at (720) 870-1488.

please donate artwork, prints, books or art supplies for sale to support the
Stanley Hotel two-day vacation that RMSBA has donated to the ASBA annual silent
auction. Contact Vanessa Martin at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com to coordinate delivery.
RARE II Catalog
The exhibit
catalog RARE II: Imperiled Plants of
Colorado will soon be on sale at the Denver Botanic Gardens Gift Shop at
York Street. Other opportunities are in the works.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
So, we had a nice meeting at Hudson Gardens
July 28
We talked about "Something Wicked" and the Tagawa Gardens event and next year and sat beneath the lovely catalpa trees and were protected from the brief showers.
Wicked entrants drop-dead date has arrived...
Send forms
and fees now to racereaton@aol.com. If
you put it in the mail tomorrow, it might get there by Saturday, August 1. Send to: RMSBA Wicked
Show, % Sharon Eaton, 10685 Yates Drive, Westminster, CO 80031.
Creating Botanical Illustrations with
Line Etching
workshop - October 12 & 13, 2015
10:00 am -
2:30 pm
Briony Morrow-Cribbs
$125.00 + $15 materials fee
Maximum class
size – 8
We have put
together a two-day workshop to learn the process of line etching. Our
Instructor, the etching artist featured in Amy Stewart’s book Wicked Plants, is coming all the way
from Vermont. She will be a guest at the opening reception of “Something Wicked”
and then will teach and demonstrate the good stuff. The workshop (described
below) will be held the Aurora Cultural Arts District gallery. Sign up early
for this great opportunity, as the classroom size is limited to 8. To reserve
your seat, contact Vanessa Martin at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com; she
will have details about submitting payment for the class at time of
etching or Hard Ground etching is a printmaking process in the category of intaglio
printing, or printing in the “carved” or incised lines. This process allows
artists to create finely-detailed images and multiples of an image. In this
basic workshop, students will draw botanical images, and then make them into
copperplate etchings. Through demos and one-on-one instruction, students will learn
how to prepare plates, coat them with hard ground, etch the plates, and print
them. Students will leave the workshop with an etched copper plate and at least
three fine-art prints. The workshop is open to students at all levels, whether
printmakers, botanical artists, or totally new to it all.
About Briony Morrow-Cribbs:
Briony Morrow-Cribbs
currently lives and works in the hills of rural Vermont. Morrow-Cribbs
graduated from the Emily Carr Institute in 2005 and completed her Master of
Fine Art degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012. From 2012 to
2014 Morrow-Cribbs taught etching at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Currently, Morrow-Cribbs teaches printmaking at the Putney School in Putney, Vermont,
and is an adjunct professor of drawing, book arts and printmaking in the New
England area.

Save the Date (Party!)
Mark your
calendars for Sunday, August 30, from 1-5 pm: RMSBA Backyard Bar-Be-Que at
Vanessa Martin(the President)’s house, 21494 E Greenwood Pl, Aurora. We invite
members to bring a guest who might be interested in joining our organization –
as artist or art lover. We also invite students (and a
Visiting Instructor, Ikumi Kayama) from
the School of Botanical Art & Illustration at Denver Botanical Gardens.
Besides the swell food, drinks, and charming companions, the BBBQ offers an
excellent opportunity for non-members to get to know us and learn about all of
the benefits of membership.
As part of
this event, we of course want a little fundraising activity. We ask members to
donate artwork, prints, books or art supplies for party-goers to buy. The funds
raised as we find those perfect items
will help support the Stanley Hotel two-day vacation that RMSBA has donated to
the upcoming ASBA annual silent auction. To donate appropriate materials, contact
Vanessa Martin at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com to coordinate delivery.
Volunteers -- to sign up to bring side dishes. Also looking for willing hands
to help set up the fundraising tent and tables, and to get all ready for the
party. Please contact Vanessa Martin if you can help out: (720) 870-1488.
So that we
have a general idea how many people are coming, we ask that you RSVP by August
20 or thenabouts to Vanessa at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Late July: Flower Explosion on Kenosha Pass
July Meeting
We meet at Hudson Gardens on South Santa Fe Drive from
1-3 on Sunday, July 26. Enter through the gift shop; no charge. Several areas will
be closed off and unavailable for sketching, including the water features and
Monet gardens, as they are setting up for a concert later that day. No
meeting room, but the attendees can gather (in a shady spot) and catch up on
the latest news, and then off to plein
aire sketching!
If you are a Wicked
entrant, you can bring your forms and fees and turn them in, and beat the
drop-dead date of August 1, 2015.
Art in the Garden August 22nd, 9 am – 5 pm – Tagawa
Garden Center
This year’s
Tagawa Gardens event has a full day of activities in the theme Art in the Garden. First, of course, the
RMSBA artists' show and sale, then workshops taught by Sharon Garrett and Patti
Hearn: Shading and Watercoloring for Kids, and Doodle Art for Tweens &
Teens. Also featured are other workshops conducted by local artists. We will
enjoy music and performance by the Rocky Mountain Highland Dancers. This year’s
event offers a perfect venue to talk to the public about our organization and
to showcase our artists.
This is
your opportunity to sell and share your art work: we can’t hang framed pieces,
but can make prints, note cards and other botanically-themed articles available
to the general public. If you want to
sell your artwork, assist with a workshop, or just be a part of the event,
please sign up by sending an email to Patti Hearn at pattihearn@hotmail.com. Sign up by August 17 at the latest, and the
sooner the better so we can get organized and make this a successful and fun
event. More details will be provided to participants.
Monday, July 20, 2015
A Re-posting from the DBG-BI Blog
Is Stealing OK?
Everyone knows stealing is not okay, but the Copyright law is about to change to make stealing okay.
- Posted by ikumikayama
- in Musings
When I was in school, the biggest offense a student can make was plagiarism. Stealing someone else’s work, usually writing, and claiming it as their own can get a student expelled from school. Intellectual property is important, and it must be protected. We live in a society that values creativity and innovation.
One time a classmate in my history class stole a homework assignment from another classmate and put his name on the work. We didn’t see him in the class again.
So why is that, in 2015, the same idea about not stealing someone else’s work is an issue? We all know it’s wrong, but stealing is much easier with digital access to files and images. It’s easier to steal from someone far away on the other side of the globe. But that doesn’t make it okay.
So why is that, in 2015, the same idea about not stealing someone else’s work is an issue? We all know it’s wrong, but stealing is much easier with digital access to files and images. It’s easier to steal from someone far away on the other side of the globe. But that doesn’t make it okay.
According to the Library of Congress Docket No. 2015-01, “The US Copyright office is reviewing how certain visual works, particularly photographs, graphic artworks, and illustrations, are monetized, enforced, and registered under the Copyright Act.”
Basically, some companies are complaining that all the artwork in the world are not being used for maximum profit because copyright is stopping unauthorized use. This might sound like a good idea at first glance, but then when you stop and think about who is going to receive the profits (companies, not artists), this new Copyright Act is not at all good for creative types.
The good news is, the Copyright Office is calling out to artists to receive letters on their thoughts about copyright. Here’s my letter.
Let me know what you think. Are you an artist? Art buyer? I’m curious to know.
Deadline for sending letters is July 23, 2015
Monday, July 13, 2015
Fireworks Gone? Move on to Flowers
Open Studio on Bastille Day! (Happy Revolution, France!)
9 am – 1 pm,
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at Valkarie Gallery & Studio, 445 South Saulsbury
Street, Lakewood. Bring your projects, your sketch ideas, artistic problems and
solutions, new materials you are trying out, frustrations you need to vent
re:same, and so forth.
Sharon Eaton,
tender of the “Wicked” entries, again reminds entrants that entry forms and
fees are due August 1, 2015. Check your e-mail for pertinent forms. Describe
the wickedness your plant manifests, so it can be noted on your artwork’s ID
You may
hand-deliver your completed forms and fees: bring them to our July 28th meeting
at Hudson Gardens. For any questions, contact her by e-mail at racereaton@aol.com,
or call 571-225-1617.
They’re Heeere…

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