We have a number of topics and upcoming events for you to watch for and
participate in. Here is a brief summary of things to come.
Winterlude: Botanical Promises – New 2016 exhibit
for RMSBA members only- Call for Entry will be coming soon!
Gathering of the Guilds. RMSBA has been
invited again to this year’s annual Gathering of the Guilds. The event is
Sunday, April 24th, 10-4 pm at the Boettcher Mansion on Lookout Mountain in
Golden. Attendance is free; just tell them you are a participating member. For
those of who might be interested in selling your artwork or merchandise, please
contact Vanessa Martin at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com.
April membership
meeting reminder. Please note that the meeting is on Saturday, April 23rd from 11-1 pm at
Koelbel Library in Centennial The Agenda
will include general updates and an open
discussion on the opportunities and events planned this year at the Cherokee
Ranch and Castle. A guest speaker from Cherokee Ranch is planned. Members who
have already gone and participated in Arts Afield will share their experience.
Arts Afield offering from the Prez. Vanessa
Martin shares this lovely sketch from the aboriflora at the Cherokee Ranch,
where RMSBA is the Artist-in-Residence. Sign up at the website, go sketch, send
me a picture at narey46@hotmail.com, and I’ll post yours!
Distilled at Spark Gallery. RMSBA (and CPSA)
member Susan Rubin explores the botanicals involved in intoxicants in a Mo’Print
Denver-themed show combining Polaroid transfer monoprint techniques with her
exquisite colored pencil renderings. It’s a beautiful exhibit and a lot of fun.
Get yourself to 9th and Santa Fe in Denver. Cheers!

Carol herself did not send me a selfie...