Open Door Studio Tour coming up on September 17th
& 18th – you can check out all these studios and their captive
Visit http://www.evergreenopendoorstudios.com/
for more details.
the Printmaking Workshop. We still have several seats available. This
is a great opportunity for both beginners and those who have had some
experience with Solarplate.
At Open Press, instructor Mark Lunning will
teach us to use Solarplate, a simple approach and safer alternative to
traditional etching and relief printing. The first class begins on Tuesday
September 6th from 1-5 pm, second class is September 13th 1-5 pm, third class
is September 20th 1-5 pm, and the last class is September 27th from 1-5 pm. This
workshop is open to both beginners and those who have experience with
solarplates but want to learn more advanced techniques. Bring a piece of art
you have and like and make an original print!
All material will be provided; everyone will
have two 4” x 5” and one 8” x 10” solarplates and three 22” x 30” sheets of
100% cotton printing paper; cost is $300.00. The maximum number of participants
is 8, so please act quickly to secure a spot. If you are interested please
contact Vanessa Martin at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com to sign up.
Botanical Promises. We have another opportunity for
members to show their artistic talents. RMSBA has been invited to stage a small
works exhibit at Gallery Bleu this November and December. Gallery Bleu is
located in the Bas Bleu Theatre, 401 Pine Street, Fort Collins. The theme of
the exhibit is Winterlude: Botanical Promises. This will be a juried exhibit;
entries deadline is October 1. Online Juried Shows at
https://www.onlinejuriedshows.com/ for the full Prospectus and critical dates.