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Along Cimarron Ridge near Montrose |

Winterlude: Botanical Promises has a deadline date of October 1. That’s Saturday. Get those 12x12 entries submitted to https://onlinejuriedshows.com/ at the last possible minute.

Poisons, Potions, and Panaceas
hangs at the Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities on the Anschutz
Medical Campus in Aurora until October 28. Several members have lovely works in
this exhibit, all of which are worthy to be seen together.

Factory Pop-up Celebration for Rocky Mountain Land Library. Come to
the Puritan Pie Factory (2612 Champa Street, Denver, CO) and learn more about
the Headwaters to Plains Network, a trio of library/learning centers along the
South Platte River, from the headwaters in South Park to the Puritan Pie
Factory -- new inner-city home of a library focused on nature in the city! Find
food, drink, and pie aplenty, along with music and a Silent Auction full of art
and inspiration. Hear about upcoming plans and programs at the Pie Factory, and
all the ways you can make the Land Library your own. Denver Water is sponsoring
this event, Thursday, October 20, 2016, 5 – 9 pm. Suggested donation $25 for tickets.
Gardens 2017. For the very long-range planners out there,