Mission Statement

The Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists is an open and diverse group of artists, collectors and admirers who share a love for the practice and perpetuation of botanical art and illustration with a fond focus on plants in the Rocky Mountain Region.
We encourage and participate in educational outreach, juried and non-juried exhibits, lectures, workshops and regular chapter meetings. The RMSBA is proud to be the very first chapter affiliation of the international organization, the American Society of Botanical Artists.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Winter B at Last??? Cover your tender plants!

Deadlines, Deadlines: Submit TODAY, April 28, for Out of the Woods at ASBA. Submit by Sunday, April 30, for Illustrated Urban Gardens at SBAI. Get 'em in, folks!

Reminder: Gathering of the Guilds is this Sunday, April 30, 10 am - 4 pm. Come on up Lookout Mountain to the Boettcher Mansion. Be sure and bring a few bills (or your other Currency) in case you are tempted beyond all reason.

Intent to Enter. The deadline for submitting entries for Cannabis: A Visual Perspective has been extended, the following are the current critical dates:
   Entry deadline August 16, 2017
   Selection results emailed August 23, 2017
   Drop off deadline September 1, 2017
   Private Artist reception September 7, 2017
   Exhibit open to public September 8, 2017
   Exhibit closes February 2018

The CU Museum of Natural History (our venue) wants to know the approximate number of illustrations. Understandable they need to plan wall space for the exhibit. Please email Vanessa Martin at martin.vanessa655@gmail.com your intent to enter the exhibit. If you know how many entries and which varieties, that would be helpful, too. To enter you will still need to go online to https://onlinejuriedshows.com/preDefault.aspx. If you have already expressed to Vanessa your intent to participate, you don't need to do it again.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

‘Twas a Glorious Home Opening Day as Rockies Defeated Dodgers

Reminder: Open Studio tomorrow, Wednesday, April 12, from 10-2 at the Mercury Café. Eileen and Martha will both be there to get acquainted with all and infrastructure. Directions are on Mar 31 Blog post. Check the 22nd St door, but come prepared to enter through the kitchen (22nd Alley), as the restaurant is closed until 5 pm. I expect there to be 5 or 6 of us this month. More would be cool...

Bring something you've done, bring something you're working on or trying out. As the restaurant is not open, we have access to water, but not much else. Be prepared. We'll have fun -- it's Open Studio! Join us!

Pastels in Botanical Art. This in from Susan Fisher: Consider a May workshop in lovely Georgetown, Colorado. Get the broad strokes of flower painting and infuse your next botanical piece with drama and excitement. Color, composition, and values are easier to study in pastel. Intrigued? Join this class and find out. Most materials provided. Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flower-portraits-in-pastel-workshop-tickets-33406227927

Reminder: Gathering of the Guilds at Boettcher Mansion, Lookout Mountain, on April 30, 10-4. Come up and see us, and take in all the really terrific stuff other people make.
Note: Carol Till advises us there is a finest-kind papermaker usually in attendance, so be sure and take a few extra greenbacks to lay out for good handmade paper. 

Alert for National Park Artist Residencies. The next deadline for 2018 artist residencies with the National Parks Arts Foundation is April 20. As fiber artist Michelle Schwengel says: Apply apply apply! You never know what might come of it! Check it out at National Parks Arts Foundation.

Congratulations to National Champions University of Denver Men's Hockey! Go ‘Neers!