Mission Statement

The Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists is an open and diverse group of artists, collectors and admirers who share a love for the practice and perpetuation of botanical art and illustration with a fond focus on plants in the Rocky Mountain Region.
We encourage and participate in educational outreach, juried and non-juried exhibits, lectures, workshops and regular chapter meetings. The RMSBA is proud to be the very first chapter affiliation of the international organization, the American Society of Botanical Artists.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Labor Day approaches – Remember to use your breaks and vacation days that cost so much struggle

Friday, September 1, is turn-in day for your art for the Cannabis exhibit. Check your acceptance notice for any final procedures and deliver your stuff to Shiere Melin. The Opening Reception is next week in Boulder.

Open Studio on September 13, 10 am - 2 pm, to be hosted by Judy Vanderbosch at her Redbud Studio, 6585 E Colorado Dr, near Cook Park in southeast Denver. Join us (suggest intent via this link) for whatever might be your Open Studio pleasure, as Judy takes us through some scanning demos and opportunities.

Catalog cover
On the Road Again. Vail was lovely on Saturday for the last event for our  RARE II exhibit. Some clouds kept sun intensity down at the Betty Ford Alpine Gardens Education Center hosting our exhibit and the reception. The permanent displays about alpine regions and ecology welcomed and embraced our artworks like long-lost cousins. The venue is at the west end of Gerald Ford Park. 

We opened RARE II in Durango in May 2015 at the Center of Southwest Studies amid the lovely cultural artifacts of the Colorado Plateau, basketry and pottery. We close this exhibit in the world's highest botanic garden, among the Alpine plants in their enchanting setting.

Panels from Ft Lewis College fit the doors
We hope this final venue gets plenty of visitors. If your travels take you west on I-70 during the next couple months, remember that admission is free, and you need to take a break from driving and get a little exercise.

Gallery reception
Patti Hearn's Artist posters & Martha Narey's Map posters survived

Nanette Kuich chats with Jan Boyd Haring

Dorothy DePaulo signs in 

Vanessa Martin & Ann Fleming at permanent display

Alas for South Texas. My relations and connections all are ok, but lots of folks are in distress. As long as that storm system stays in place, it moves moisture off the ocean surface and delivers rain to the land, especially in the areas east to north of the eye. Streams can’t drain, roads flood and livestock drown. Sewage and petrochemicals in the water, serious problems ahead with structures. The highway system is designed to slow floodwaters by ponding up – we can see that’s workin’. Keep your fingers crossed for all residents. I expect the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center is pretty well silted up, as are the other gardens and arboreta in the area. The Menil Art Collection is on low ground, too, I think.
Weeping Angel in Houston Cemetery

Texas Ecosystems

Wooden Elevation Model - Flooded! 
Today's Texas Navy

ASBA 2017 – Registration proceeds… new instructions… new information…

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Deadline Day!!!

TODAY is the last day to submit your art for the Cannabis exhibit. You have until midnight (likely Eastern Daylight Time) to participate and send in your stuff. Wait no longer.

Open Studio on both September 13 and October 11, 10 am - 2 pm, will be hosted by Judy Vanderbosch at her Redbud Studio in southeast Denver near Cook Park. Join us (suggest intent via this link) for whatever might be your Open Studio pleasure, as Judy takes us through some scanning demos and opportunities. By October’s Open Studio, you might have your holiday cards ready for scans…

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Monsoon Season Cool(ish) & Damp

Open Studio August 9 at the Mercury Café, 2199 California St, 10 am - 2 pm. Join us (suggest intent via this link) for whatever might be your Open Studio pleasure.

Cannabis show deadline approaches at light speed. Participate and send in your stuff. Contact Vanessa Martin if you need last-minute access to plant materials.

RARE II opens in Vail at the Betty Ford Gardens on Saturday, August 26, reception 3 – 5 pm. This is the Last Known Venue for RARE II so come up for the sendoff.

Wildflower report from Clear Creek County. The Guanella Pass road is covered like a carpet with coneflowers from Clear Lake all the way to timberline.

The rest of the Clear Creek Corridor is in lively color as well. 

ASBA 2017 – Well, registration proceeds… new instructions…