So go out east and see what Grandmother at perigee looks like coming up
over the horizon.
Reminder: Membership dues for 2018 must be submitted now. Please check the box
for RMSBA when you go the ASBA renewal site.
Open Studio at Carol
Till’s was instructive and fun. Your Editor learned all about mistakes and ways
to do it wrong(ly). Sorry you weren’t there with these ladies:
Next Open Studio will convene at the Denver Museum of Nature &
Science for some display sketching. Contact Vanessa Martin for details and to
participate. Bring a stool, a drawing board… and, of course, your own
personally preferred media and substrates.
ArtCozy assemblers
needed. Volunteer to help Judy Vanderbosch finish the RMSBA Art Cozies and you
will be rewarded [we are not one bit above bribery around here] with a FREE Art
Thursday February
1st from 9:30 am to 3 pm. Lunch and snacks
provided. You do not need to have any sewing experience to volunteer!
We need about 6
people to do:
- Stamping, cutting out and ironing RMSBA
- Cutting, plastic pockets (need to know how
to use a rotary cutter)
- Cutting fleece for bags with a rotary
- Sewing on labels and plastic pocket.
I have 2 machines
that should be enough for this session but if you have one you would like to
bring that is good. Also rotary cutters would be good to bring. I have the
needed supplies for the rest. Any questions just call.
Please RSVP to Judy
at redbudart@gmail.com 303-375-7718
‘Lost in the Woods’ is open for entries at OnlineJuriedShows. Deadline
for entry is May 15, 2018. The show will open at the Valkarie Gallery in
Installation is on Monday,
June 18, with an Opening Reception on Saturday, June 23. First Friday event on
July 7! Artists will be implored to attend, to mingle and discuss…
Executive Board meeting on January 14 was attended by these officers
and members:
Eileen Richardson – President (new!)
Vanessa Martin – Interim Treasurer (new!)
Irma Sturgill - Exhibits co-chair
Shiere Melin - Exhibits co-chair
Kristi Czajkowski – Secretary
Martha Narey – Communications editor
Dorothy DePaulo – Logistics chair
Sharon Garret – RARE exhibit chair
Susan Fisher – Director emerita
Carol Till - member
Judy Vanderbosch – member
The Board extends great thanks to Ronda
Ballard for her service as Treasurer, 2015-2017.
Inasmuch as a few unclaimed originals are
still in exhibit chairs hands following the RARE shows (yes, even from RARE I),
and a number of prints and other materials, the Boards announces the
establishment of a left-work maximum
period of 30 days following the closing of an RMSBA show, juried or nonjuried.
Participants must retrieve, or make alternative arrangements with the Exhibit
Chair(s), all originals and unsold accompanying materials by 30 days after the
closing. Any unclaimed artworks will be offered for sale by RMSBA, and the
proceeds shall accrue to the RMSBA treasury. This proposed By-law change will
avoid burdening any member serving as exhibit chair.
2018 Member Meeting Schedule
March 18. Location TBD (a
week earlier than usual: the 25th is Palm Sunday)
24. General meeting at the Bel Mar Library in Lakewood (attendees can see “Lost
in the Woods” at the Valkyrie Gallery after the meeting!)
September 30. Location
December 9. Holiday Party
Horticultural Society invites the Cream of the Crop to participate in BISCOT
2018, so if you are among them, check this out here.
Any botanical specimen.
Eligible to show at
BISCOT 2018 are:
Anyone awarded a Gold or Silver-gilt award
from an RHS Botanical Art Show
Graduates of the RBGE Botanical Illustration
Course who hold a Diploma with Distinction
Artists who have passed the BISCOT assessment
in 2017 or previously
… by Valentine’s
Day, folks. Deadline is February 14, 2018.
The Kirkland Museum of Fine Art and
Decoration will open
its new building at 12th and Bannock in Denver with an exhibit of
Colorado prints on March 10.
March will be the Month
of Printmaking. Events include a studio tour on Saturday, March 24 from 10
to 4, and Carol Till’s studio will be among those open. Carol will also host an
open house on Sunday, March 25, from 10 to 4. Mo’Info on Mo’Print later.