Martha Narey 2012: Treespotting - Quercus gambelii |
in the Woods May 15, 2018, entry
deadline looms at OnlineJuriedShows. If you need guidance with the good wood, Irma Sturgell has help for you: ask for the Champion Trees files. The show opens at Valkarie
Gallery in Lakewood, and installation is Monday, June 18; Opening Reception on Saturday,
June 23. First Friday event on July 7! So get ‘em entered, folks!
Cannabis: A Visual Perspective has two weeks to run at the CU Museum of natural History.
Read this timely Westword interview
with our lovely Susan Fisher. She’s talkin’ about you…
of the Guilds happened Sunday, April 29, at the Boettcher Mansion
on Lookout Mountain, and the weather was delightful. Your Editor took the
opportunity to Walk on Dirt, having been town-bound for a while. It was fun,
and Golden Moon Distillery has an interesting Whiskey Tea Punch well worth
Gardens RMSBA Art Sale is on July 14 (vive
la France). Get your stuff ready for this opportunity in conjunction with
the Lavender Festival. Our space last year, right in front of the High Plains
Iris Show & Sale, did enhance our sales with some of their traffic.
and Herbarium Website. Those of you who don’t read Science may be interested to visit Missouri Botanic Gardens’ website
From the GNSI List-serve: “The Vascular Plants of the Americas (VPA) website
contains the first integrated assessment of all known native species of
vascular plants in the New World. It includes 124,993 species in 6,227 genera,
and 355 families. The species number corresponds to 33% of the 383,671 vascular
plant species known globally.”
The site includes interesting taxonomic updates… for example… florist’s
chrysanthemum is no longer Dendrathema,
but is back to Chrysanthemum morifolium.
[The more things change… Ed.] Searching
say, Images, takes a moment, but take a breath or a sip, and let the iMagic
happen. Tools include a Glossary search and an Ethnobotany search – and A
Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin, for which you’ve all been waiting
with bated breath.
You can also link to the NY Botanic Garden Virtual Herbarium and other
sites (note colored icons next to the Genus and Species after you search). It
is an ongoing project; the link for the .pdf of the original Science article is in the tiny print at
the bottom of the home page.