It was an early blooming season for wildflowers in the Front
Range, frustrating and challenging botanical artists tasked to render species
already in rags when visited. Wildfires raged across the drought-stricken
Western Slope, adding smoke to our breathable air. Moose have taken it into
their heads to cross the Great Divide and appear near Estes Park and Empire.
Well, July 1 was Canada Day; July 4 was US Independence Day.
July 6 was a First Friday event for “Lost in the Woods,” and lots of Lookie-Lous
came through. July 14 was Bastille Day (Vive la France!), and the RMSBA Art
Show and Sale at Tagawa Gardens. July 23, ‘”Lost in the Woods” went into
temporary storage after a very successful showing at Valkarie Gallery – the most
traffic generated by an exhibit there so far this year! At least three works
are now marked “sold.”
The last weekend brought the [four-day] Underground Music
Showcase to SoBo, so your Editor decamped to Grand Lake Lodge, and saw an
excellent production of “Annie.” The Rocky Mountain Land Library Buffalo Peaks
Ranch in South Park hosted RMSBA (and other) guests on July 28, with a display
of books from the collection useful to artists.

Links” opened August 15 and will run to mid-October at the Gates Court Gallery
at Denver Botanic Gardens. The Artist Reception was Sunday, August 19, 1-3 pm;
hope you didn’t miss it. Do see this show; several members have work in it, and
it really is amazing. An emissary from a venue in North Carolina has approached
about traveling the exhibit. Way to go!
seeking inspiration for projects might want to consider
participating in the Rare Plant Symposium of the Colorado
Native Plant Society
Sept. 14th from 8:30-4:00
Sept. 14th from 8:30-4:00
“This year we
will highlight the northeast Colorado G2&G3 species in addition to the G1s,
T&E and a brief review of the BLM and Forest Service sensitive species. A
detailed agenda will be posted on the CoNPS website. Registration is still $10,
either walk-in or in advance.”
“Lost in
the Woods” will be moving to the CU Museum of Natural History in Boulder this fall,
and “Cannabis: A Visual
Perspective” moves to the Center of Southwest Studies at Fort Lewis College
in Durango in September. We’re on the College Circuit!
Meeting on the schedule for September 30, location TBD.
ASBA Annual Conference in St. Louis, October 11-13. Still
time to Register.