Flag Day
US Army Birthday. Happy 246th!
Meeting! Sunday June 20, 3-4 pm, Denver Botanic Gardens at York Street. Meet at
the main entrance at 2:50 and we can go in together.
We will discuss this fall's RMSBA member show. It's short
notice, but Jessica at DBG was able to schedule a meeting room. We want you to
come to the Gardens, when everything is blooming. This year's exhibit
deadline is September
10, so now is the time to head out into the field and get going
on your illustrations! We hope you will be inspired by the plants at the
Botanic Gardens and even find one to illustrate after the meeting.
We also will be discussing the plant list for an exciting upcoming
multi-year project. We hope you can make this meeting, if just to catch up with
your fellow artists and reconnect with old friends. We look forward to seeing

Field Guide
Recommendation. A useful reference for the upcoming Rocky Mountain Wild! plant search, this
volume has truly excellent photographs of the wildflowers included. Introductory
material has diagrams of flower part names, inflorescences, and leaf shape and
arrangement; there is a key to the life zones. The Index is organized by floral
color group and common name; the last page has a ruler along the left margin.
The plant entries include the Family and Scientific Name (Genus species), photo, description, habitat, life zone, and
blooming season. This one is a keeper, and a handy size for the pack or car.
Perspective. Reprinted in the May 2021 issue of Discover
Magazine, this very interesting article from Astronomy (March 2019) is about Seurat (the
Pointillist) and the French Post-Impressionists’ environment of light and
shadow during a period of repeated volcanic pollution of the air.